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Neco Gce 2016 English Language Essay, Obj And Test Of Orals Answers – Nov/Dec Expo

Neco Gce 2016 English Language Essay, Obj And Test Of Orals Answers – Nov/Dec Expo


Eng Obi
Cleanliness is next to godliness which we can say that cleanliness is the way to godliness and without cleanliness we cannot get godliness. Many great people and social reformers in India (like Mahatma Gandhi, etc) had worked hard for the maintenance of personal and surrounding cleanliness to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Now-a-days, a clean India campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyanhas been run by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in order to maintain the cleanliness in surroundings and make India a clean India.
Earlier too, many cleanliness programmes were run however became unsuccessful because of the not getting proper support of the common public. The celebration of World Environment Day is also takes place every year having the same objectives of cleanliness. We have adopted many things from the western culture however never caught their etiquette and habits related to the sanitation and hygiene. Cleanliness is the matter of attitude which is possible through the proper awareness among common people. Cleanliness is a virtue which should be promoted among people of all age group and status to get complete command over the cleanliness. Proper and regular cleanliness brings good mental and physical health, tidiness, and purity of soul and mind. Cleanliness of body and mind provides spiritual and positive thoughts as well as helps to easily connect with the nature.
People who do not maintain their cleanliness become generally fed up because of many reasons like physical problems, mental disturbances, diseases, negative thoughts, etc. On the other hand, people who maintain their hygiene and personal cleanliness become always happy as they develop positive thoughts which help to balance body, mind and soul.
Once upon a time there was a boy named Roy, he was very good at sports in school and used to play for school team. Roy’ s mother was very proud of him but she was only worried about one habbit of his – staying dirty. Even though after reminding several tines, Roy never bothered to brush teeth twice, take bath and wear clean clothes. He just used to pick watever he saw first and wear it, even though he had worn it yersterday and played in it.
Today was a big day for Roy as cricket team selection committe was coming to select team for state level from their school. Roy had practised late yesterday so got up a bit late in the morning. As soon as he got up he rushed to school in the same clothes he was practising yesterday and had slept. He did not even update his mother just ran out of the house rushing to school. His mother kept calling from behind but he did not listen.
He reached on time to join the line that was made to pick the teams. Roy’s turn came and as scheduled like others he started giving his introduction explaining his experience around cricket he had played. Roy’s sports teacher started praising him infront of selection committe. Roy was really feeling proud and sure that he will be selected. The committe was moving selected students in the right and others to left, they moved Roy to the left. He was shocked and could not believe the decision.
Storming towards the committe he questioned, “There is a mistake, i am the best in team here sir!”
One of the members calmly replied,” Person who does not respect the importance of the game to dress according to it cannot be part of our team. Cricket is a gentleman’s game and a gentleman is always clean and presentable”.
Roy stood there speechless, learning the lesson for his life
A successful person is a person with more money
old money refers to in herited money while new money is the money that the holder acquired through his work
money contributes to some extent which is important to a person at every age
it is a symbol of family success while the new money is a symbol of personal success
i)adverbial clause
ii)it modifies the verb”can be bought”
the adolescent considers how much a job pays rather than the nature of the job
it is because of social welfare
i)add to
The relevance of general studies and national awareness programme in Nigerian universities are:
-To broaden the view of its reciepents
-To be reasonably knowledgeable in areas outside their main field of specialization
-To orientate the minds of the students
-To appreciate the national goals and objectives
The need for a developing country like ours is to provide the necessary skills and know how
The curricula in the different disciplines became so much specialist oriented


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