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Agony Of Love ~Episode 7

Agony Of Love ~Episode 7

At home, I always kept in touch with Abigail, who was the only child of her parents and thus was lonely at home.  she could call me and we will chat all about school but never making mention of George. Apart from the store that my mother owned, she also worked as a fish monger to bring in extra income to support the family. And while I was away in school, she didn’t pay much attention to it but I being home gave her the chance to do her fishing trading. I spent most of my time at the store. I left early at 6 o’clock since most people would be up at that time and also my mom’s store sold goods at very low prices as compared to the others. And left at 8 pm in the evening.

One Thursday morning, I received a call from unknown number, I was quite skeptical about it because only a few of my friends knew my number but I picked the call though and it was George. He asked how I was doing and how he had missed me. I asked about his family and said everything was fine except that he was lonely. We ended the call promising to call me later. And then the later turned to every day, every morning he would send me a text saying “sweetheart how are you doing”. When I got to the shop too, we would talk on the phone. I began developing feelings again for him. He wanted to pay me a visit at home but I was shy about my home, but he kept pushing and finally I allowed him.

He arrived at Chorkor one bright Saturday morning in a Range Rover; I hugged him because  we had missed each other. I took him home and introduced him to my mom. Since I knew of his coming I prepared jollof rice with chicken for him,  for that was his favorite meal. After the meal, we went for a walk at the beach, for that was his first time at Chorkor. He finally left for his home at 8 pm and promised to pay me another visit.

Though Abigail and I spoke often I never mentioned the fact that George and I were back together. Since Abigail and I were of the same faith, she invited me come for church service at her Chapel which is Mount Calvary Methodist church at Osu. That same Sunday George had invited me also but I didn’t want to turn down my school  moms request without giving her any tangible reason. So I lied to George and promised to visit him at home after Church, though he was sad he accepted it.

I met Abigail in church looking pretty in her ATL kaba and slit wear, service begun at 9am and ended successfully at 12 pm. Abigail convinced me to go home and have lunch at her place but I declined and said goodbye to her. Once Abigail was gone I boarded a taxi and headed straight to George’s house at Trasacco valley. We were caught up in traffic and I spent two hours getting to his house. And even locating his house was a problem but finally I got there. When I arrived I just gasped, because  that was the most beautiful story building I had ever seen and about 20 cars were parked at the compound talk of the Range Rovers, Tundra, Chrysler, Jaguars, and the Rolls Royce. I just couldn’t believe my eyes, and I was going to throw all this away cos of a silly mistake he made?
The security guard at the gate asked me if George knew I was coming and I replied yes. He gave me a funny look and ushered me into the hall. He directed me to his room. As I got nearer to the room I heard the voice of George and that of another female talking so loudly.

“You know that I still love u, why would you go back to her, the female voiced said.

“You and I ended a long time ago, it been two years girl, he replied. Two years my dear two years.

“Tell me what’s so special about that poor girl that I don’t have, huh tell me, she shouted.

“Well she understands, loving and caring and forgiving too, she’s not proud and full of herself like you. She’s very humble all of that which you are not. He shouted back at her.

“Okay, so why did you sleep with me in the first place,” she replied back at him.

“You know that was a mistake’

A mistake? Which happen the first time and the second and then the third and even now?

Will you shut up? He shouted and pushed her away . You better get dressed and leave my house.

Am not going anywhere she replied.

I stood there behind the door listening to their conversation and didn’t know if I was to enter or leave. As I made an attempt to leave, the door opened and there stood George naked dragging a lady out of the room.

Guess who that lady was in the next episode

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