»Exam Time: Geography 3(Practical and Physical Geography) 2.00am-3.50pm
1a) 1a) Drawing
Scale 1:25,000
1b) i)it has few social amenities ii)it is a feature of rural settlements iii)they are only motivate in primary activities like farming lumbering fisht etc 1bii) i)water transport
1c) i)dentritic pattern =============
4a) i)Rarely has fossils ii)React with acid iii)have alternate bands of light and dark minerals
4b) i)formed through the action of heat and pressure ii)formed from clay iii)formed from limestone
4c) i)rocks are source of minerals eg gold,silver,petroleum etc ii)rocks are source of materials for construction iii)rocks serves as raw materials for industry eg cement industry ===============
3a) Erosion is the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. While Mass movement is the movement of surface material caused by gravity.
3b) i)runing water ii)winds iii)waves vi)glaciers
3c) i)Water -rainwater acts as a lubricant to weathered materials. ii)Vegetation -lack of vegetation cover to hold the loose particles. iii)Rock structure -joints dipping downslope usually assists landslides, rockfalls, rockslide, rock creep. ===============
7b) i)A regular qualitative and quantitative monitoring of fresh water resources. ii)Construct proper sanitary landfill sites. iii)Investigate ground water quality. iv)Provide government help for waste management by industries. v)Throw refuse into garbage cans. Visitors who throw garbage into pools, lakes, ponds, and even along the beaches pollute recreational sites on a daily basis. ==============
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